Paradigm's Services
What exactly does Paradigm Medical Services, Inc. do?
We specialize in obtaining agreed reductions on medical bills
incurred from work injury claims. We also perform medical bill auditing
services to find inaccurate billing.
What are your fees?
Our fees are based on a percentage of savings achieved from the medical bill.
If we are unable to achieve savings, we do not charge for the review.
Are there minimum amounts of medical bill charges that can be submitted?
No. The importance of submitting all medical bills is to be consistent
in obtaining reductions. Suppose you pay a bill for an office
visit at 100% and the physician performs surgery at a later date.
If you request a reduction on the more expensive surgical bill,
the physician may say, "You paid 100% on last week's office visit,
why should I give you a reduction now?"
Paradigm Medical Services, Inc. (PMS) is located in Texas and
I am located in Louisiana. Can PMS still negotiate a reduction?
Yes. We can perform negotiations anywhere in the United States.
What is your turnaround time?
Signed agreements are usually returned to you within seven working days; however, each situation is different.
It usually depends on the length of time it takes the medical provider to agree to a reduction.
Does it matter how old the bill is?
No. It does not matter how old the bill is for negotiating an agreed reduction. It is harder
to get terrific savings on older bills, but often these discounts are still substantial.
Previously we obtained an agreement through another bill review company. Later, the hospital filed a lawsuit to collect payment
directly from the employee. In the end, we had to pay the bill in fill. Could this happen again?
No. We obtain a signed agreement from the medical provider on your behalf. In the event a provider or facility attempts to collect the
remaining balance, we have this signed agreement showing that they accepted a reduced amount.
If the injured employee's medical bills are below my insurance deductible, will my insurance company find out about the injury?
No. The insurance company will not find out about the injury unless you advise them of the claim.